Messages and Addresses

President McCallum Addresses Congress About Safer Internet Acts

AUGUST 1, 2023 - 

Early this morning, President McCallum addressed Congress regarding his 2023 Safe Internet Act to ensure its passage through both houses of Congress. In the address, he asked Congressional members to appeal to their parenthood, and appeal to the safety of their kids.

"We must remember that our children are the future of this Country, and their online safety is crucial to the developmental growth in a normal and steady-paced manner," said President McCallum. "This bill needs to pass in order to protect just that. Our world, our nation and our children are relying on this bill."

The bill if passed, would ban online, DVD and magazine porn, as well as sexually explicit content from being released on the web, on tv and in movies. This change could go into effect as soon as a week after the bill is passed.

Increase Of The Federal Minimum Wage

DECEMBER 31, 2022 - 

The Federal Minimum Wage has increased exponentially, marking the first time the minimum wage has changed in over 80 years, remaining 9.25 since 1942. President McCallum took a historic step in raising the new federal minimum wage to 12.50 which is a 29% increase from the 9.25 Jesstopians were making in terms of the Minimum wage across the country. We have made incredible strides to ensure that Jesstopians are able to live comfortably. We have so much work left to do, but we have two years left and I will get as much as I can done before the end of my Presidency.

Happy Halloween

OCTOBER 31, 2022 -

I would just like to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween. As we begin trick or treating season, we ask that parents, aunts, grandparents, and other guardians ensure that all children accompany children under the age of 10, and ensure they check all candy that is going to be consumed. As of October 30, 2022, all States within the United States Of Jesstopia have established plans to increase law enforcement patrols in neighborhoods across the country. As trick-or-treaters begin heading out the door, ensure that a clear and decisive plan is established for meeting points to ensure no child gets lost or kidnapped.

As always, I wish you all a very happy and safe Halloween and enjoy ALL the candy.


John McCallum,

President Of The United States Of Jesstopia

VP Simon In Critical Condition After Horrific Wreck

October 3, 2022 - 

As many of you are aware, we've just been made aware of the horrific wreck involving Vice President Sam Simon. At this time, not much more is known of his condition, other than the fact that he is currently in critical condition and will remain at Nox City Medical Center until further notice.

I will be flying tonight to Nox City to be with Simon and his family during this time. An investigation into the crash is under investigation currently, and more details will be provided at a later date. 

At this time, I am asking you to keep Simon in your prayers as he fights to survive. Thank you and good night.

John McCallum

President Of The United States Of Jesstopia.

President McCallum Addresses Cambridge Prime Minister's Announcement Of Severing Ties, And Condemning Russian Nuclear Build Up

RUFUS - President McCallum recently addressed Press questions about the recent announcement that Prime Minister Ricketts' has "condemned the nuclear build up of Russian weaponry," and "severed all ties with Russia, after failing to get Russia to end the bloodshed and ongoing invasion."

The United States Of Jesstopia fully supports the decision of our close neighbor and our strongest ally, to condemn the nucler build up and its decision to sever ties with Russia during this time. We will work closely with Cambridge to ensure Domestic Security as well as National Security.

President McCallum Addresses The Press About The Russian Nuclear Weapon Build Up On September 24, 2022, and announces Troop Re-Deployment.

President McCallum To Re-Deploy Troops, As Russia Builds Up Its Nuclear Weaponry

RUFUS - President McCallum recently addressed the Russian Nuclear Weapon build up it was ordered not to do, which is ramping up NATO and Non-NATO allies' response to the defiant nuclear build up of the Russian nuclear weapons program.

"Russia was firmly told not build up its nuclear weapons, and blatantly disregarded this order. We will be re-deploying troops to Ukraine to aid in further civilian evacuations. Further announcement will be made at a later date."

Jesstopia will aid its fellow NATO and Non-NATO members in preventing Russia from continuing further attacks on Ukraine. Troops will be made available for rapid deployment and Governor's are ordered to prepare their National Guards.

As Russian Forces Continue To Flee, President McCallum Considers Ending War With Russia

RUFUS - On April 2, 2022, The United States Of Jesstopia declared formal war on Russia, after a sever, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine was carried out, and plans to assassinate President McCallum were uncovered by the Jesstopian Intelligence Agency.

But now, as Russian forces continue to flee, President McCallum has to consider the political, military and safety ramifications of ending its war with Russia. President McCallum has been working with his joint Chiefs Of Staff, as well as many military generals, both past and present to come to a formal decision.

"Ending a war is something that, as President, I must ensure is done at the right time, and in the right way," said President McCallum. "This is a major step to ending the conflict between Russia and Ukraine."

President McCallum Speaks About Recent Codification Of Abortion Rights In Jesstopian Constitution

AUGUST 26, 2022

NATIONALIST HOUSE - Congress yesterday, voted unanimously to codify a womans right to choose what she does with her body, regardless of the circustances, as not only law, but a Constitutional Right. The Woman's Right To Choose Law, which passed unanimously, will prevent State's from outlawing Abortions due to the Constitutional challenge it will now cause.

"It is an absolute win for Women around Jesstopia," said President McCallum. "We are proud of getting this amendment done in a very short period of time."

The amendment which is now recognized by the entire Congress, and the United States will not make an appearance until the new Constitution is revised and voted on, but the Congress and Supreme Court ruled that it is now recognized regardless of whether it is inscribed in the actually consitution.

Women will no longer have to worry about losing their access to affordable and legal abortions within all 13 States. It will allow woman to choose to abort an unborn child in cases of rape, incest, financial hardship or in the case of drug or alcohol abuse.

From Left To Right, President McCallum and Gov. Paul speak to residents of Alden on July 23, 2022, addressing concerns that many residents have about the potential for future bombings in the State.

President McCallum Speaks To Residents Of Alden After This Morning's Bombing

JULY 23, 2022

ALDEN - President McCallum was hosted by Governor Kirk Paul at the Governor's Mansion to speak to worried Mesians about what today's bombing means for the residents and address concerns about a future attack.

"I first and foremost want to thank Governor Paul for inviting me to address your concerns. I know its been tense between you and me, but I hope that it will change. I've seen how quickly you've responded to the incident, addressing the state, being transparent and showing great leadership," said President McCallum. "You've done an incredible job, responding to resident concerns, needs and wants. We are working great as a team, and I hope we can continue to do so, regardless of party."

President McCallum gave another speech where he addressed the concerns. He promised, as he did in Nox City, to bring the Terrorist to Justice. He will be going back to Mesa to speak to Gov. Paul sometime in September.

President McCallum Speaking To Residents Of Nox City On July 23, 2022, two days after the Bombing of Product Mart Store 1430, that left 9 dead, and more injured.

President McCallum Addresses Nox City

NOX CITY - President McCallum addressed the citizens of Nox City, after a Product Mart Store was bombed, parents, siblings, grandparents and family grieves the incredible loss of the 9 occupants of Product Mart Store 1430 when a bomb went off. During his speech, President McCallum addressed those lost in the tragedy, and those who survived. He gave an empassioned speech about strength, courage and determination.

"This city was attacked by a heartless, careless and devilish terrorist attack whose only hope, was to harm innocent lives, and break to the spirit of residents of this great city," said President McCallum. "Not only did this city prove the terrorist wrong, but you held each others hand, when they needed it, you stood up, you stood up for what is right, you stood up for YOUR country. For that, I'm grateful."

President McCallum also went on to say that if he wasn't President today, he knows that this country has incredible people looking out for it, and for each other.

"This city is unique in that no matter what background, what color, race, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability, you have all stood as one. That is what Jesstopia is about. That is what our founding father would want and would be so proud to see."

Nox City Police Department Officers holding a perimeter at the bombing site, which was located at Product Mart Store 1430 on July 21, 2022. The bombing killed 9 people and injured several more.

Product Mart Store 1430 Bombing

JULY 21, 2022 - Early this afternoon at around 3:00 PM, a bomb was detonated in a Product Mart Store in Downtown Nox City, and the bombing subsequently killed 9 people when it went off. Governor Lee has done a great job with response and so has Mayor Tom Brosnik.

"It makes me really sad that our nation is experiencing yet another bombing," said President McCallum. "We are working to send financial aid to help with the cleanup process. We have sent Federal Crime Investigative Service agents to investigate the bombing."

The Nationalist House has been in constant contact with Governor Linda Lee's office and is working closely with local and city law enforcement.

"We believe that this bombing is connected with the July 15th bombing of the Nationalist House," said FCIS Director Paul Dalton. "We think that Mr. Ronaldson is still in contact with his outside terrorists. We will request that he no longer can make calls out of his holding facility and hopes this will stop the bloodshed."

Federal Investigators say they will push for the death penalty if investigators find that Ronaldson was responsible for the bombing of Product Mart Store 1430.

A portion of the Nationalist House that was destroyed in a bombing early in the morning on July 15, 2022.

Staffers Asked Not To Report To NH After Bombing.

JULY 14, 2022 - The Nationalist House is on an indefinite lockdown following a bombing that destroyed the south corner of the Nationalist House. Staffers are asked to stay home until further notice.