Upcoming Events

View Upcoming Events Of President John H. McCallum

This webpage is dedicated to all Upcoming Events. This page is updated daily or as needed. For further information or Freedom Of Information Laws(FOIL), contact calendar@nh.jesstopia.org or contact legal@nh.jesstopia.org.

Meeting With Congressional Leaders, To Develope Further Relations With Cambridge

JULY 5, 2024 -

On July 5, 2024, President McCallum will meet virtually with members of Congress to ensure continued relations with Cambridge, following his departure from the presidency. The meeting will be hosted by both houses via teleconference.

State Visit Of King Georgie V 

JULY 25, 2024 -

On July 25, 2024, King Georgie V will make his very first state visit to the United States Of Jesstopia, the first time a Polton King will step foot in the United States Of Jesstopia since 1917. He will visit the Nationalist House(with President McCallum), visit Congress(members of both the House and Senate) and will then address Homeland Security members.

President John McCallum Hosts Final Presidential Medal Of Great Sacrifice Ceremony

AUGUST 20, 2024 - 

On August 20, 2024, President John McCallum will host his final Presidential Medal Of Great Sacrifice ceremony. The ceremony will take place at the Nationalist House and will take place from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM. The ceremonies will conclude with a banquet dinner.

State Visit Of Cambridge Prime Minister Fredrick Ricketts

OCTOBER 25, 2024 - 

On October 25, 2024, Cambridge Prime Minister Fredrick Ricketts will be welcomed to the Nationalist House for several meetings between President McCallum and Prime Minister Ricketts to discuss continuation of partnership between the two countries when McCallum leaves office.