Statement Regarding Lifting Sanctions Against Russia

March 3, 2025 - Today I announce that I am lifting all sanctions against Russia as we continue to work with the United States, to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine.

As I mentioned previously, the President of Ukraine has been unwilling to end the bloodshed that has resulted in the deaths of over hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and people.  

The meeting between US President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky shows that he is unwilling to end this war, while Russian President Vladimir Putin has cooperated with efforts to end the war. Propaganda against Russia has been fueled by the left's attempts to vilify Russia, even prior to the invasion of Ukraine. 

Putin has made it clear that he wants to bloodshed to end and the sanctions were only imposed to ensure a quick end to the war, but that clearly isn't what happened. As Putin continues to come to the negotiating table, we will continue to lift any impositions against Russia to ensure continued cooperation. There is a lot more that needs to be done to ensure peace between Ukraine and Russia.


Jay Laylin

President Of The United States Of Jesstopia