Ban On Transgender Teachings In Schools, Colleges And Other Educational Institutions

November 19, 2024

President Jay Laylin says that he will work to create a ban on schools, colleges and other educational institutions, from teaching transgender ideologies and other theories that there are more than two recognized genders in the United States Of Jesstopia. He is working to ensure that the United States Of Jesstopia only recognizes Male and Female as the only two genders.

Preventing Gender Affirming Treatments And Hormonal Treatments To Jesstopians Under The Age Of 18

November 19, 2024

President Jay Laylin says he is working to ban hormonal based treatments as well as Gender Affirming Treatments to any person under the age of 18 years old, and penalizing any doctor, organization or institution that enables, aids in or has any part in the gender affirming process, mutilation of persons under the age of 18.

Supporting Gay And Lesbian Marriage, And Same Sex Adoption

November 19, 2024

President Jay Laylin says that he is working to fight adoption agencies that fail to adopt children to parents of the same sex, something that was allowed under the previous administration. Under current federal statutes, Title 270, code 391, "any person who seeks to adopt a child or children, can not be denied that right due to the gender of either parents or both parents if that gender is the same."

President Laylin Signs Temporary Orders To Prevent Biological Men/Women From Using The Opposite Gendered Bathrooms

November 20, 2024

President Jay Laylin signs a temporary order that blocks from biological men and women from using the "I identify as" to use the opposite gender bathroom. Further, the President issued that the order that was signed by former President John McCallum that allowed the transgender madness to carry on for the last four miserable years.

President Laylin Signs Temporary Ban On Teaching Transgender Ideology Through Executive Action 0004

December 5, 2024

President Jay Laylin initiated the first phase of his planned banned on teaching transgender ideology in educational institutions, regardless of type of school. The temporary ban extends to 2026. He hopes to have a full, hard ban signed into law by the end of this year.