President Laylin Statement On Extending Sanctions On China

February 8, 2025 - Today I spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss the extension of sanctions the United States Of Jesstopia that were signed during the Presidency of John McCallum back in 2021. He understands the importance of ending nuclear arms races among countries, but expressed interest in continuing to allow North Korea to do so.

I expressed that the sanctions would extended and further action would take place if he were to continue with supporting Un's plans to build even more weaponry. The meeting was hardly progressive, and Xi seemingly didn't want to cooperate or hear out what I had to say. 

But I reiterated that Jesstopia would take firm action to ensure that North Korea denuclearized, and didn't seek to further build up its nuclear arsenal. We don't expect much cooperation from China at this time, but we are continuing to ensure that we work towards that goal or we will sanction and tariff China, worse than they've ever seen it.

We must always put the global security of the world over our own selfish desires to have the largest nuclear war chest possible.


Jay Laylin

President Of The United States Of Jesstopia