President Laylin Says He Won't Sign Statehood Certifcations

February 20, 2025 - President Jay Laylin recently issued that he would not sign the certification documents to establish the 10 out of the 20 new states that was pushed through the House to the Senate. The Senate passed the amendment that would create 10 of the 20 proposed states that was proposed by then-President John McCallum in 2021. The following statement was issued by President Jay Laylin regarding his reasoning behind not planning to sign these documents.

"Right now, our government can't even manage the 13 states we already have, and now the Nationalist-led Congress wants to add 10 more onto that, and then eventually 10 more. That is just not an option for taxpayers and our government at this time. We will continue to push for expansion, but we must do it at a time where our national debt is crippling Jesstopian citizens, promote more socio-economical programs that benefit the people, before we try adding more states to our already flailing state economies. 

That is why I will not sign the statehood authorization documents and certifications. We don't need to add more states while we continue to battle Nationalist-induced inflation, that we have been continuing to fight since taking office back in November. We can't afford more states, and we can't let our people in existing states suffer either."


Jay Laylin

President Of The United States Of Jesstopia