President Jay Laylin Declares State Of Emergency, Opens Border Funding
December 26, 2024 - Today President Jay Laylin issued Executive Order 300.086, which declared a formal state of emergency, a recess declaration of emergency, which immediately opened up funding accessible to be sent to the Jesstopian border. This comes after weeks of fighting with Congress to get them to vote on a bill proposal. Their lack of accountability and their willingness to disregard their constitutional duty to serve as the protectors of border, while very limited, have extreme power to adjust spending to ensure Jesstopia's borders are secure, and that illegals in our country and that enter our country are swiftly and permanently removed from our country.
"Today I announced that I have declare a national state of emergency, to ensure that our border security comes first. Over 27 million people were able to enter our country illegally with President John McCallum's disastrous border policy. By failing to vote on funding to deport these people, I was forced to take action as President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, and now I have issued a state of emergency so that I can get access to the money our border agents need to carry out their duties. I will use 18 billion dollars of our 255 billion dollar reserve to ensure that our mission gets accomplished. Let's bring home Jesstopian jobs, remove illegals from our borders, and ensure Jesstopians are safe from illegals who are gang members, terrorists and murderers."